Preview - Kinetic Molecular Theory

The Relationship Between Volume and Pressure

If we graph the data we acquired on page 5 (your data is shown on this page for your reference), our graph would look something like this:

The graph pictured above shows an inverse relationship between the two variables (volume and pressure), that is, as volume increases, pressure decreases.

Referenced Questions

These questions were answered in the previous steps. They are provided here for your reference.

To complete the following data table, you will first set up the simulation as described above. Run the simulation with 50 heavy particles at each width listed in the table. For each container width (volume), record what the highest pressure observed. After you have collected data for all nine trials, calculate average pressures for 5.0 nm, 10.0 nm, and 15.0 nm widths (volumes).

Is the relationship between volume and pressure direct or inverse? Justify your answer by citing evidence from your data table in question 4.1 above.


Please answer the questions below.

Use the definition of pressure (the frequency and force with which gas particles collide with the walls of their container) to explain why decreasing volume increases pressure when both temperature and the number of gas particles are held constant.


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.